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Min Cha Hee ✘Sa philosophie de la vie c'était qu'elle pouvait mourir à tout moment.
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MessageSujet: Min Cha Hee ✘Sa philosophie de la vie c'était qu'elle pouvait mourir à tout moment. Min Cha Hee ✘Sa philosophie de la vie c'était qu'elle pouvait mourir à tout moment. EmptyDim 4 Juin - 16:40


Nom(s) Min Prénom(s) cha Hee Âge 22 ans Lieu & date de naissance Inconnu Nationalité Inconnu Orientation sexuelleBisexuel Situation amoureuse célibataire ignorante Occupation sentinelle Groupe ici Célébrité kim seolhyun
Caractère: Farouche, Sauvage, Rancunière, Loyal, Sarcastique, Instable, Jalouse, Hypersensible, Émotive, Douce, Attentionnée,
Manque de tact, Fragile, Comique, tête brulée.

A propos de moi:

décris ici ton perso; ce qu'il aime, ce qu'il n'aime pas, ses habitudes, comment on le reconnait, son style vestimentaire, ce qu'il a mangé ce midi... en gros, tout ce que tu veux et qui peut être utile aux autres pour cerner ton personnage.

A la recherche de:

• ♀ ϟ La mort de l'amour
Homme + 30 ans ~ la main rouge

Adolescent au moment des faits, il aurait du la tuer mais a eu pitié d'elle. Une étrange connexion c'est créer entre eux : fascination et adoration pour elle, humanité et affection pour lui. Il la confier aux sentinelles alors qu'elle avait 5 ans et n'a cesser de veiller sur elle dans l'ombre jusque là.

Plus d'information dans ma fiche & A développer.

The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: Min Cha Hee ✘Sa philosophie de la vie c'était qu'elle pouvait mourir à tout moment. Min Cha Hee ✘Sa philosophie de la vie c'était qu'elle pouvait mourir à tout moment. EmptyDim 4 Juin - 16:40


prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: Min Cha Hee ✘Sa philosophie de la vie c'était qu'elle pouvait mourir à tout moment. Min Cha Hee ✘Sa philosophie de la vie c'était qu'elle pouvait mourir à tout moment. EmptyDim 4 Juin - 16:41


prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: Min Cha Hee ✘Sa philosophie de la vie c'était qu'elle pouvait mourir à tout moment. Min Cha Hee ✘Sa philosophie de la vie c'était qu'elle pouvait mourir à tout moment. EmptyDim 4 Juin - 16:43


prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: Min Cha Hee ✘Sa philosophie de la vie c'était qu'elle pouvait mourir à tout moment. Min Cha Hee ✘Sa philosophie de la vie c'était qu'elle pouvait mourir à tout moment. Empty

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Min Cha Hee ✘Sa philosophie de la vie c'était qu'elle pouvait mourir à tout moment.
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