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Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family
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MessageSujet: Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family EmptyVen 16 Juin - 21:03

Song Heo Ra

Nom(s) Song Prénom(s) Heo Ra Âge 30 ans Lieu & date de naissance 28/03 dans un endroit inconnu Nationalité Coréen avec des origines chinoises Orientation sexuelle Bisexuel Situation amoureuse Célibataire Occupation Formateur au combat Groupe Indépendant -La Main Rouge Célébrité Ji Chang Wook
Caractère: Déterminé ¤ Violent ¤ Impitoyable ¤ Grognon ¤ Autoritaire ¤ Bourru ¤ Rancunier ¤ Direct ¤ Fier ¤ Fidèle ¤ Loyal ¤ Consciencieux ¤ Intelligent ¤ Rabat-joie ¤ Susceptible ¤ Affectueux ¤ Blasé ¤ Possessif ¤ Accroché à la vie ¤ Combatif ¤ Volontaire.

A propos de moi:

décris ici ton perso; ce qu'il aime, ce qu'il n'aime pas, ses habitudes, comment on le reconnait, son style vestimentaire, ce qu'il a mangé ce midi... en gros, tout ce que tu veux et qui peut être utile aux autres pour cerner ton personnage.

A la recherche de:

The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.

The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family EmptyVen 16 Juin - 21:04


prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family EmptyVen 16 Juin - 21:05


prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family EmptyVen 16 Juin - 21:05

A vous **
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MessageSujet: Re: Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family EmptyVen 16 Juin - 21:24

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MessageSujet: Re: Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family EmptyVen 16 Juin - 21:29

Bonjour par ici excited
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MessageSujet: Re: Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family EmptyVen 16 Juin - 21:30

OF COURSE GURL! Vous avez déjà des idées?
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MessageSujet: Re: Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family EmptyVen 16 Juin - 21:49

Déterminé ¤ Violent ¤ Impitoyable ¤ Autoritaire ¤ Fidèle ¤ Loyal ¤ Consciencieux ¤ Affectueux ¤ Blasé ¤ Possessif ¤ Accroché à la vie ¤ Combatif ¤ Volontaire. Tout ce que Saya aime y je sais pas si il y a quelque chose que tu rechercherais comme lien ? :O
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MessageSujet: Re: Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family EmptyVen 16 Juin - 22:00

Un peu de tout et de rien, je t'avoue que j'ai aucun lien pour l'instant. Donc bon XD Et toi tu cherches des liens en particulier?
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MessageSujet: Re: Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family EmptyVen 16 Juin - 22:45

Moi aussi venir russe En même temps, tu es entraîneur, j'suis le leader et on est dans la même tranche d'âge emo
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MessageSujet: Re: Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family Empty

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Heo Ra¤ I wish i would have less family
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