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Baek Jae In - the animal i have become
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MessageSujet: Baek Jae In - the animal i have become Baek Jae In - the animal i have become EmptyDim 5 Nov - 20:16

Baek Jae In
I'm a killer

Nom(s) Baek Prénom(s) Jae In Âge  28 ans Lieu & date de naissance Suwon le 14 octobre Nationalité coréenne Orientation sexuelle demisexuelleSituation amoureuse inexistante Occupation Assassin Groupe Les insurgés Célébrité Kwon Ji Yong (GD-Bigbang)

A propos de moi:

Le regard sombre, les sourcils froncés, tu t'effaces, tu ne parles pas beaucoup. Sous des aires de mec calme se cache en réalité une véritable boule de nerfs, tu sais garder ton sang-froid lorsque la situation le demande, mais il n'est absolument pas rare de te voir sortir de tes gonds lorsque tu t’énerves. Colérique, nerveux, impulsif, il t'arrive de faire des choses sans vraiment avoir réfléchi avant. Lasse, blasé, ton regard sur le monde est tout sauf positif, tu méprises parfois un peu les gens qui t’entoure, de ne souris que très rarement.
Modeste, tu ne te vente jamais de rien, pourtant, tu sais que tu dois être efficace et que tu l'es. Humble, tu ne nieras jamais le fait que tu n'es pas le meilleur et tu gardes les pieds sur terre.
Tu n'es ni méchant, ni gentil, tu agis par instinct et t'aime faire les choses bien. Tu ne ressens aucune compassion, le monde est dure pour tout le monde et le sentimental n'as pas sa place dans ce genre de vie. Tes émotions sont souvent enfuies au fond de toi. Tu ne parles jamais de ton passé, ou de ce que tu ressens.
Tu es très rancunier et ne pardonnes pas facilement, tu as un esprit de vengeance, c'est ce qui te permet d’ailleurs de garder un but.
Tu es fidèle et tu feras toujours tout pour ne pas briser la confiance de ceux qui te l'on accordé. Cela dit, si tes intérêts sont menacés, tu auras tout de même tendance à les défendre.
Tu ne supportes pas que l'on te touche, tu n'aimes pas le contacte physique et la saleté.
Tu es j'en foutiste, rien ne semble t'atteindre aussi longtemps que tu as décidé de feinter l’insensibilité totale. Le sang, la cruauté, ça ne te dérange pas, que tu en sois spectateur ou auteur la mort ne t'effraie pas.
Tu n'es pas spécialement respectueux.
Tu réagis toujours en fonction de la situation, tu as d’ailleurs une grande capacité d'adaptation et la faculté de vite agir sans paniquer en cas de problème, tu as tendance à prévoir plusieurs plans a l'avance pour éviter un maximum d’imprévu lorsque c'est important
Tu es imprévisible.

Tu possèdes une cicatrice de brûlure sur une grand partie de ton corps ■ Tu ne supportes pas que l'on te touche
Tu as tendance à ne pas aimer le désordre ■ Le feu ça te rend dingue ■ Tu fais des cauchemar plutôt intense ce qui t'amène à faire de longues insomnies ■ Tuer ne te fait pas peur, c'est presque devenue normal. ■ Tu n'as jamais eu de relation sexuelle, et tu n'en as encore jamais vraiment ressenti le besoin ■ Tu as presque fini par oublier ta vie avant la guerre ■ Tu évites un maximum de t'attacher, d’ailleurs, tu n'as pas vraiment d'ami proche ■ Tu prends tes missions très au sérieux ■ Tu ne manges pas beaucoup  ■ Tu n'as pas peur de mourir ■ Il en faut beaucoup pour t’impressionner, pas que tu te sentes tout-puissant, mais tu en as vu des choses. ■ Tu n’épargnes personne, tu ne ressens pas de pitié.
Tu as un petit côté macho ■ Tu n'es pas soumis, mais tu n'es pas rebelle non plus. ■ Tu te laisses un peu vivre au grès de ce que l'on te demande de faire. ■ Tu es bi polaire. ■ Tu ne parles jamais de ce qu'il t'est arrivé avant d'arriver dans ton clan.  

A la recherche de:

The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.

The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: Baek Jae In - the animal i have become Baek Jae In - the animal i have become EmptyDim 5 Nov - 20:17


prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: Baek Jae In - the animal i have become Baek Jae In - the animal i have become EmptyDim 5 Nov - 20:17


prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: Baek Jae In - the animal i have become Baek Jae In - the animal i have become EmptyDim 5 Nov - 20:54

plz cette fois trouvons un lien et ne l'oublions pas plz
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MessageSujet: Re: Baek Jae In - the animal i have become Baek Jae In - the animal i have become EmptyDim 5 Nov - 23:18

....Je suis où bordel ? Baek Jae In - the animal i have become 2348180292
Chauffe ton lit j'arrive bb pablo <3
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MessageSujet: Re: Baek Jae In - the animal i have become Baek Jae In - the animal i have become EmptyMar 7 Nov - 1:37

@Madoka: on creuse encore mais ça va etre bien ! on a deja des pistes uhuh
@Ahreum : EUUUH t ki ? (jtm)
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MessageSujet: Re: Baek Jae In - the animal i have become Baek Jae In - the animal i have become EmptyVen 17 Nov - 0:07

Celle qui va te lâcher si tu continues Baek Jae In - the animal i have become 2348180292(love you)
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MessageSujet: Re: Baek Jae In - the animal i have become Baek Jae In - the animal i have become Empty

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Baek Jae In - the animal i have become
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