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Liu Xiao - Friends
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MessageSujet: Liu Xiao - Friends Liu Xiao - Friends EmptyLun 24 Juil - 18:10

Xiao (Jordan) Liu

Nom(s) Liu Prénom(s) ici Xiao (Jordan) ici Lieu & date de naissance Taiwan, un 15 octobre Nationalité Taiwanaise Orientation sexuelle Gay Situation amoureuse *vent* Occupation Soigneur Groupe Explorateur Célébrité Mark Tuan (Got7)
Caractère: en cours

A propos de moi:

à venir.

A la recherche de:

• ♀/♂ ϟ Hobbie
Xiao a déjà des hobbies mais il n'en parle pas. Il coud en cachette et aimerait trouver quelque chose d'autre à faire, quelque chose qui le rapprocherait d'autres personnes de l'abris, pour se faire de nouveaux amis. Et tu es tombé sur lui, à voir comment mais il a fini par vouloir faire quelque chose, une chose qui lui aura plu et vous serez ainsi devenus amis.

• ♀ ϟ CRUSH
Crush à sens unique, tu li as trouvé quelque chose d'intéressant mais il ne te voyait pas, il t'a peut-être adressé la parole mais sans plus, comme si tu n'avais rien d'intéressant. (pour la suite, ça peut t'avoir blessée ou non, c'est à voir)

• ♀/♂ ϟ LIEN
à venir

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MessageSujet: Re: Liu Xiao - Friends Liu Xiao - Friends EmptyLun 24 Juil - 18:10

Sexy Boys

prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: Liu Xiao - Friends Liu Xiao - Friends EmptyLun 24 Juil - 18:11

Pretty Girls

prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: Liu Xiao - Friends Liu Xiao - Friends EmptyLun 24 Juil - 18:11

Post-it :p

à vous <3
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MessageSujet: Re: Liu Xiao - Friends Liu Xiao - Friends Empty

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