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(kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy
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MessageSujet: (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy EmptyVen 30 Juin - 14:16

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The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.

The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy EmptyVen 30 Juin - 14:17


prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy EmptyVen 30 Juin - 14:17


prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
prénom nom ϟ LINK
The Persona Compendium is a useful tool in the Velvet Room that keeps track of all the Persona's you've possessed throughout the game and how many there are left to discover. You can even register the current Personas you possess so that the Compendium reflects a stronger version of a Persona than what it starts as. For a fee, you can buy back Personas from the Compendium and use them for Confidant events or to fuse new Personas as much as you want. There's even a PSN trophy for completing the Persona Compendium.
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MessageSujet: Re: (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy EmptyVen 30 Juin - 14:17

+1 pour noter. plz
hésitez pas à poster ci dessous.
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MessageSujet: Re: (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy EmptySam 1 Juil - 23:20

Je viens t'embêter mon chou, bon faut que j'aille lire ta fiche quand même èé surtout que tu sors pas de l'abris donc faut bien chercher plz
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MessageSujet: Re: (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy EmptySam 1 Juil - 23:24

owi, viens me protéger des vilains lelele
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MessageSujet: Re: (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy EmptySam 1 Juil - 23:46

ahahaha vu le lâche qu'est Soo Hyun, il risque plutôt de t'utiliser pour se protéger XDDD

Mais je peux te proposer un petit truc! il y a quelques temps (mais je sais pas quand exactement, je sais jsute que ce n'est pas récent), Soo Hyun a du se faire opérer à l'abri, il a été trouvé inconscient dehors par des explorateurs et ceux-ci ont décidé de l'emmener à l'abri, à l'époque Soo Hyun était encore un indépendant solitaire. Il a du rester plusieurs jours à l'abris pour sa convalescence (autant dire qu'il déprimait et il avait l'impression de devenir claustro mdr)! J'ai vu que ton p'tit est très curieux et hyperactif, il aurait pu en entendre parlé et il aurait trouvé soohyun pour l'harceler de questions? et y a certaines questions auxquelles soohyun aurait refusé de répondre (ça aurait pu énervé Kelsey? :O) et autant dire que soohyun était étonné par le débit de questions XDDD

bon après pour l'instant on peut faire que ça parce que depuis, à part vers les portes pour aller voir Myung Ki, Soo Hyun ne sera jamais retournée dans l'abris même.
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MessageSujet: Re: (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy EmptySam 1 Juil - 23:53

j'aime bien le lien ! puis j'imaginais que parfois kelsey viendrait le voir comme il peut à la porte. pas tout le temps bien sûr mais quand il aurait l'occasion, il lui donnerait quelques médicaments de bases en échange de pouvoir lui poser des questions. niark
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MessageSujet: Re: (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy EmptySam 1 Juil - 23:56

OMG ce serait trop cool ** j'pense que Soo Hyun pourrait toujours amené un petit objet (bon ça serait pas grand chose) à Myung Ki pour qui le transmette à Kelsey quand il pourrait pas venir à la porte, même parfois des mangas s'il en trouve :P surtout que des médicaments en contrepartie ça peut tjrs servir, donc soohyun sera pire content et redevable plz
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MessageSujet: Re: (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy EmptyDim 2 Juil - 0:39

aaaaaaah trop bien. niah après ça sera souvent que des doliprane ou des trucs dans le genre, jamais de médicaments ultra rare. mais je pense qu'il lui en donnerait juste pour qu'il ai des anti-douleurs pour l'endroit où il s'était blessé.
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MessageSujet: Re: (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy (kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy Empty

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(kelsey) ,, one and only like a holy
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